Thursday, March 7, 2013

From Careless Teen to Adult

     4 years ago no one in the class of 2013 could even imagine that one of the most memorable moments in their lives would be less than 4 months away, graduation. Many high school seniors are ready to finish school and move onto the next step in their lives. In many cases that is to start college for the career they want.
    This year West Hills High school’s graduation will be held on June 19, 2013 at the schools football field. It is a day filled with emotions, family, friends, parties, and gifts. Graduation is a day that some students feel is the end to their childhood and the beginning to their independence. “Graduation means a new life, a new beginning, and a new adventure. Graduation is what we have all been working for! We have grown into adults over the past 4 years and this is sending us into the real world to become something”, says Jonny, a high school senior at West Hills High School.
This moment is memorable to many people because it  means that an important chapter in their lives is coming to an end and that they have successfully accomplished something.
    Throughout  high school everyone says, “it goes by so fast and enjoy it while it lasts”, most teens don’t believe them and think they are crazy because four years seems like a long time but in reality it’s over in a blink of an eye. High school is where people start figuring out who they are and what they think they want to do. It’s a time in your life where you make mistakes, change your mind, fail, succeed, make friends, lose friends, and make memories you will remember for the rest of your life. In high school you make your own decisions, but with those decisions come consequences and once you're an adult those consequences become a lot more serious.
    Graduation is a moment everyone  thinks about because it’s an end to being a child, it means finally growing up. For some once it gets to be graduation they realize that growing up isn't all it’s cracked up to be.
    Graduation is a bittersweet moment for many, it’s something that many students work towards their whole four years. Once graduation ends many will go onto college or get jobs to begin the next chapter in their lives. It is the transition from careless teenager to adult.