My Bio

My Personal Biography

Birth Date, Place, and Family:
    The cold rainy morning of January 3, 1995 Theresa and Gary Castaneda were blessed with their second child, me, Keri Castaneda. My parents had my oldest brother, Kevin, 11 years before they had me and  then four years after me had my younger brother Austin. My mother, Theresa is 50 years old and the oldest of four sisters. She works for the Santee School District as a night custodian at Pride Academy. My dad, Gary is 52 years old and the youngest of 4 siblings. He use to work at the Santee School District as well but now currently works at UCSD. Kevin, my 29 year-old brother, is married to my sister-in-law Sarah, and they have my wonderful nephew Dexter, who is 6 months old. Finally, Austin, my little brother is 14 years old, goes to Point Loma High and loves to do nothing but play video games.
Childhood and School Life:
    As a child, I loved school; it was a place where I always had fun and got to be with my friends. Up until third grade, I attended Santee School, but it was shut down so I switched to Hill Creek. I remained at Hill Creek until 8th grade graduation and then moved on to West
Hills. Aside from having to switch schools my childhood was pretty normal. I played sports, had lots of friends, loved hanging out with my family and friends, and would play outside till the street lights would come on. I never got severely hurt, except for when I was three and split my head open on the coffee table.
Hobbies and Interest:
    When I was younger, my favorite thing to do was to play soccer. I was always outside whether I was at practice, or just kicking the ball around in the front yard. I played soccer for about four years as a goalie until I fell and hurt my wrist, then I became a defender because I was too afraid to get back into the goal box. After seven years of soccer, I decided that I didn't to play anymore. My hobbies and interest now consist of spending time with my family and friends, babysitting, shopping, enjoying my youth, and the typical teenage girl stuff.
    Last year, my car was stolen from right in front of my house. It was definitely one of the worst moments of my life, because I depend on my car to get me from Point Loma all the way to Santee everyday. When this happened, money was extremely tight and we couldn't afford to go out and buy another car. When this happened I thought it was a joke, because the day before it happened I had gotten into a huge fight with my mom and left against her wishes to a school basketball game. I came home late and went straight to bed, when I went to got to school the next day my car was gone. At first, I thought my mom had hidden it but I soon realized it had been stolen. We called the police and filed a report. Weeks passed but there was no sign of my beloved car. But, one day out of the blue the police officer had called and said that they had my car and there wasn't any serious damage done to it. All in all I learned that you don’t realize what you have until it’s gone and listen to your mom because karma sucks!
    My future career aspirations are to become either a neonatal or pediatric nurse. I think I would be good at this job because I love kids, I’m patient, caring, and enjoy being able to help others. Another reason I chose this career is because I want a stable career that I can be financially comfortable in. I haven’t done much to work towards this career yet, but I plan on volunteering in a hospital over the next year or so and I have taken honors Physiology which will hopefully give me some advantage when I am learning how to become a nurse.

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