Monday, April 22, 2013

Prince William and Harry

Birth Date and Place: Prince William Arthur Philip Louis was born on June 21, 1982 at St. Mary’s Hospital, Paddington, London.
Prince Harry aka Henry Charles Albert David was born on September 15, 1984 in the same hospital as his older brother.
Family Members: Their parents are the Prince of  Wales, Charles and the Princesses of Wales Diana.
Childhood and School Life: When William was 9 years old he was in a freak playground accident. He was struck in the head with a golf club and diagnosed with a depressed fracture. He then underwent a 70 minute corrective operation that left him with 24 stitches.
After completing his A levels, Harry took a gap year during which he visited Australia, Argentina, and Africa, where he made a documentary about the plight of orphans in Lesotho.
On December 9, 1992 the Prime Minister announced to the house of commons that the young boys parents had agreed to separate. The marriage was dissolved on August 28, 1996.
William, 15 and Harry, 13 were devastated to find out on the morning of August 31, 1997, that their beloved mother was killed in a car crash in Paris.
Their father remarried on April 9, 2005 to Mrs. Camilla Parker Bowles.
Hobbies and Interest: Both William and Harry enlisted in the Army and where very active throughout school and in sports. They also both enjoyed going to parties and having a good time. Harry was an active participant in charities like the one he launched in Lesotho called “Forget Me Not”. Lesotho meaning “forgotten kingdom” has a population of less than 2 million and more than half live on the poverty line. It’s a landlocked country in Southern Africa with one of the highest rates of AIDS in the world.
Anecdotes: William and Harry received terrible news on Sunday morning shortly after 3 AM. They were informed by the British Embassy, that there beloved mother, Diana was dead. She was chased by the paparazzi and there had been a terrible collision. Sadly the French medics were unable to save their mother.
    In July 2008 Harry had flown to Lesotho with 20 members of the Blues and Royals to build a childrens school. Harry and William much like their mom, Diana with the AIDS charities and landmines. Harry’s two month trip to Africa was all about his pledge to continue his mother’s humanitarian work.
Career: William and Harry don’t really work like the average person. They mainly work as role models and serve  their country. They are part of the Royal family, they are constantly being watched by everyone all over the world. Aside from their royal duties, they participate in many charities, and enlisted in the Army.
Reason For Fame: They became famous before they were even born, they were born right into to the spotlight whether they wanted to or not. Do to the fact that their family is the Royal family in England they will always be famous because there family is such a big deal in the world.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

From Careless Teen to Adult

     4 years ago no one in the class of 2013 could even imagine that one of the most memorable moments in their lives would be less than 4 months away, graduation. Many high school seniors are ready to finish school and move onto the next step in their lives. In many cases that is to start college for the career they want.
    This year West Hills High school’s graduation will be held on June 19, 2013 at the schools football field. It is a day filled with emotions, family, friends, parties, and gifts. Graduation is a day that some students feel is the end to their childhood and the beginning to their independence. “Graduation means a new life, a new beginning, and a new adventure. Graduation is what we have all been working for! We have grown into adults over the past 4 years and this is sending us into the real world to become something”, says Jonny, a high school senior at West Hills High School.
This moment is memorable to many people because it  means that an important chapter in their lives is coming to an end and that they have successfully accomplished something.
    Throughout  high school everyone says, “it goes by so fast and enjoy it while it lasts”, most teens don’t believe them and think they are crazy because four years seems like a long time but in reality it’s over in a blink of an eye. High school is where people start figuring out who they are and what they think they want to do. It’s a time in your life where you make mistakes, change your mind, fail, succeed, make friends, lose friends, and make memories you will remember for the rest of your life. In high school you make your own decisions, but with those decisions come consequences and once you're an adult those consequences become a lot more serious.
    Graduation is a moment everyone  thinks about because it’s an end to being a child, it means finally growing up. For some once it gets to be graduation they realize that growing up isn't all it’s cracked up to be.
    Graduation is a bittersweet moment for many, it’s something that many students work towards their whole four years. Once graduation ends many will go onto college or get jobs to begin the next chapter in their lives. It is the transition from careless teenager to adult.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Coraline Movie Review

Coraline and her negative parents
     The movie Coraline is an animated thriller about an adventurous young girl named Coraline, who discovers another world that is her dream version of her not so perfect home, but unfortunately it has dark hidden secrets. Director Henry Selicks adaptation of the 2002 novel by Neil Galman, has a somewhat dark and sinister portrayal of Coraline’s life. With the voice talents of Dakota Fanning, Teri Hatcher, and John Hodgman this film is entertaining and aimed for a specific audience.

Coraline with her "other" parents
     The film begins when, Coraline moves to Oregon from Michigan. She settles into a dull apartment complex called the Pink Palace. Soon after they unpack, Coraline gets bored with her dreary new house and negative parents who pay little attention to her. So, being the adventurous girl she is, she wanders around and explores their new home. During her exploration she becomes friends with a boy named Wybie, who is the grandson of apartments’ landlady. Later that day Coraline receives a doll that oddly looks a lot like her that Wybie found. She discovers a small door hidden in a wall in her house. Unhappy with the fact that the door was sealed off by a brick wall, Coraline goes to bed. She is awakened by a mouse that leads her to the mysterious door, but instead of there being brick behind the door, it has become a portal. Coraline goes through it but finds herself in what seems to be her home. Little does she know that she is far from home, she is in a parallel version of her home. In this other world, her “parents” are called her other mother and other father (very original). The only obvious difference between the people in the other world and the normal one, is that they have black buttons for eyes. Her other parents are much more loving and caring than Coraline’s real parents. When Coraline falls asleep in the other world, she awakens in her old world. Coraline continues to go to the other world to escape her boring and depressing real life. After a couple of visits to the other world, Coraline’s other mother invites her to stay with them forever. Coraline enjoys the thought of staying with her other mother and father, until she finds out that she has to get buttons sewn over her eyes. After saying she doesn’t want to stay anymore, the other mother becomes angry and traps Coraline in the other world. Coraline escapes thanks to the other Wybie, but when she returns back home she comes to find that her parents have been kidnapped by the other mother. Coraline returns to the other world in hopes of saving her mom and dad. She plans to save them by tricking the other mother into playing a game with her. To keep the other mother from ever coming back into Coraline’s life, she drops the key to the small door, down the well. After this experience, Coraline is glad to have the parents and life she has.
     The film uses stop motion animation instead of modern computer generated imagery, giving the film a more realistic feel. The directors use of dark drab colors and different camera angles to give the film a unique horror film look.
     Additionally the musical score gives it that horror movie atmosphere and that combined with the directors creative use of angles, colors, and shapes make this a film that is appealing to audiences that don’t usually go to animated features.
     Overall I would give Coraline 4 out of 5 stars. But with it’s PG rating it is definitely not for young children. Older kids, teens, young adults would find Coraline a different and entertaining film.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Swiched at Birth Premier Review

     Starting September 3, 2012 ABC Family will begin airing the third season of Switched at Birth. This tv drama tells the story of two girls who were switched at birth and grew up in different worlds.
     The main characters are Bay Kennish whose family lives on the wealthier side of town, and Daphne Vasquez who lives on the poorer side. Daphne also has to deal with hearing loss due to a bad case of meningitis. The two girls discover each other and their families secret. The two families decide to live together so the girls can get to know their true families.
     For a quick recap of the third season premier, Bay returns from her vacation with her new boyfriend. Throughout the episode Bay and Emmett, her former boyfriend, struggle to remain friends. Bay is also dealing with her biological father, Angelo’s possible deportation back to Italy. This problem solved when Regina, Bay’s biological mother, marries Angelo so he can remain near his daughters.
     Daphne is having difficulty finding a job mainly because of her deafness. Her biological mother Kathryn manages to get her a job at a restaurant. Daphne continues to work at the restaurant even though the chef is inconsiderate and mean to her.
     Personally I enjoyed the season premier. Bay should be happier without Emmett who is desperately trying to win her back. Daphne is a strong character who should be able to handle Chef. Daphne and Bay are very different but they both are determined and willing to finish what they start. Overall I’d say the show’s writer, Lizzy Weiss, did a fine job with the season premier.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012